Thursday, September 25, 2008

Running back home -- to Idaho

I decided to do something fun with my running. Well, I don't know if it's really fun but I thought I would see how many days (weeks or month) to get from my front door to my parent's front door. The total mileage between the two is 1185 miles. I'll record my daily, then weekly mileage and we'll see just how long it would take to run from point A to point B. My guess is that I'll be that much more thankful for an invention called the automobile by the time I get done.


This Idaho Girl said...

Another thing you could do is mark your progress on a map. Unfortunately, it may be awhile before you can move your gamepiece. You should be in OKC two weeks from now!

Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

Okay, I'm a dummy! I thought you were ACTUALLY running it. I was like, "OH, I hope she is going to be safe doing that." My mental image was Tom Hanks running in Forest Gump. I'm such a GUMP. Have fun with your challenge.

Alabama Apples said...

What a cool way to track you running! I'm impressed.