Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Opening at Sangre Ridge

Opening at Sangre Ridge. Let me just explain (and some readers probably already know this). The students gather together, in the library, by class and attend a time called "opening" together. During opening, announcements are read, the pledge is conducted, songs are sung, sign language is taught, kids sing, kids dance and sometimes (I feel) time is wasted. BUT the good thing about opening is it gives us parents that aren't always on time a few minutes to be late. The kids aren't counted as tardy unless they arrive after opening is finished and sometimes opening can take a rather long time. The fifth graders participate a lot in opening. They read poems (today was Zack's poem day) they share thoughts, they get introduced, they carry in the flags and every Friday they sing some sort of song that I've forgotten. See, I'm not such an attentive parent. Zack carried the flag the other day so I thought I'd share his enthusiasm.


This Idaho Girl said...

I want to kiss his cute little face. Who is the kid standing by him? Maybe he should be the new Crazy Ian.

Coty said...

laughing so hard...he is so handsome!!!

whitney said...

You have such a way with words, Brooke. I can't help but laugh, no matter what you're writing about (in a good way ;)

Andrea said...

Brooke, that is hilarious. The boy behind me is cracking me up--talk about enthusiasm.
WOW that sounds like a little pep rally. I better not show my kids they'll want to move to Oklahoma.

Jess said...

ha ha I thought that was Ian with Zack. Thats funny that its not. gotta love Zack! I love love your festive blog background!