Monday, October 6, 2008


Well I am officially entering the workforce again. I landed a part-time job writing for a local magazine -- I knew that I needed to get something and I put out a few job applications last week and one of the places I applied to was the News Press, Stillwater's daily newspaper. Anyway, I got called back by one of their employees who is starting a new magazine this fall and asked me to come in and talk with her. I went in this morning and didn't even really have an interview, just got some assignments. I'm very excited to be back at writing and actually using my degree, but I must say I am a bit apprehensive because it has been a long time since I have written anything. Fortunately my first assignment is on exercising -- hmmmm....think I can handle that one. So I have a story due for the next three Fridays. I am hoping this opportunity will present with other opportunities. I'm sure to keep everyone posted.....


This Idaho Girl said...

I can't believe you got a job, not to mention a job in your field. How did you do it?

Susan said...

That's great, Brooke. I have a friend in Mobile who started writing for the local press and now writes for some national publications. Good luck - I'm sure you'll do a great job!

whitney said...

Yay! Yay! Good for you! Based on your blog (which is really the only writing of yours I've read), I'm sure you'll do fabulously!

Andrea said...

Brooke you will be great! I think you have a natural talent at writing! Congrats!

Moffitt Fam said...

I gave up my journalism degree to be a lawyer. After I make my millions, I'll let you know if it was a good decision :)