Thursday, October 30, 2008

Eight things about me.....

Well, I was hoping I would be tagged by my sister-in-law for this post but I wasn't so I'm just doing it anyway. It's one of those get-to-know you things, which most people find annoying but I find fun. Here it is -- It's called 8 things (I added some things to make it a list of 8 things -- way creative, aren't I?) Just remember as I wrote this I am tired and watching a Will Smith movie on TV.

1. EIGHT favorite movies: Sweet Home Alabama, The family man, Hope Floats, Return to Snowy River, Remember the Titans, ALL Will Smith movies, Juno, Napoleon Dynamite

2. EIGHT favorite TV shows: (when I have time) The Amazing Race, Monday Night football, Biggest Loser, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Ugly Betty, Seinfeld, the Brady Bunch

3. EIGHT things that happened today: Ran at the gym, put stickers up at the beadery, went to post office, dusted, cleaned a bathroom, dropped off Zack for ride to football game, took nick to football practice, went to ward Trunk-or-treat

4. EIGHT things to look forward to: the future, Patrick coming tomorrow, the boy's football games, OSU winning a national championship, the future, Nick going back to school (has been home for four days), breakfast in the morning, running another 5K

5. EIGHT favorite foods: Mashed pototoes and gravy, sweet potatoes from Texas Roadhouse, all bread, cheese enchiladas, brownies, Rice Krispie treats, grilled steak and corn on the cob

6. EIGHT places you'd like to visit: Paris, Hawaii, Washington D.C., New York City, Bahamas, Disneyworld, Idaho and Utah

7. EIGHT people you'd like to meet someday: Joseph Smith (not the kid on Nick's football team), George Washington, Will Smith, Robert Horry, Michael Jordan, Chuck Norris, Reese Witherspoon (I think we could be BFFs) and Will Smith

8. EIGHT people to tag - I know 8 people....Margo, Stephanie, Whitney, Susan, Andrea, Cousin Jon, Tyler and Tiffany


This Idaho Girl said...

I'm glad Chuck Norris is on your list. Did I tell you Patrick wrote in my dad for President? What a waste. You're stuck with him until Christmas!

Tiffany said...

Yea, you tagged me!

Moffitt Fam said...

Brooke, you cheated. You gave Will Smith as an answer twice!

Brooke said...

But I really like WIll Smith. I guess I was just wishing there were two of him....

Susan said...

Hey Brooke - i'm so behind with my blog what with school and all. I haven't even looked at any in almost a month. I like this tag though - gonna do it soon=) Take care!