Thursday, June 26, 2008

I heart my boys

I have the best boys -- I really do. Sometimes having four boys seems overwhelming and it especially was overwhelming when they were younger, but lately, especially this summer, they have become such good boys and so much fun to be around. That doesn't mean we don't have our moments, but the good moments far outweigh the bad. They've also become hard workers. Every day they get up and do their chores, sometimes without being asked and oftentimes they ask to do other things. OK, so their main motivation is money, but I'll pay them if it is helping me (with not having to do something) and helping them (with those lifelong skills). Last night Nick was up until 11:30 waiting for a load of laundry to dry just so he could get the load folded. I woke up to a living room full of piles of folded clothes ready to put away! What a hard worker. I wanted to post a couple of pictures of them hard at work!


Susan said...

What great young men! Gosh, I can't believe how much they've grown! Which two are they? Sorry, last time I saw them they were much, much younger and smaller!!

Andrea said...

WOW! Thanks for another lesson. This is the first year that I have been really getting my girls to do chores. I woke up one day after hearing someone at church tell me about the chores her children were doing and they were much younger than mine! I realized I was doing them a dis service by not teaching them how to work. I also realized how spoiled they were. We are slowly learning.
You should be proud of your boys. They sound like very hard workers! I think that is more than proof of what a great mom you are!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you, Brooke! A twofold reward...boys that learn how to work and you get a clean house. Gotta love that.

mom2boys said...

Can I barrow a couple of your boys to help me move? I need some hard working boys and I can't get mine motivated to help me.