Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Please feel sorry for me....

I have an entire family of coldsores making their home on my bottom lip! The extended family may be moving in as well, though it's early to tell. Just wanted everyone to know this and feel sorry for me....I hear that a cold sore is something that never goes away. Once you get one, they stay in your system and appear a couple times a year. I've been dealing with them since high school. They really are lovely.... :) BTW -- that's not a picture of MY lip. I tried to take a picture and had my boys try to take a picture but none turned out as good as this one I found on the internet. What a great resource!


Andrea said...

I do feel sorry for you and feel your pain! I have gotten them since I was a child. I get them all over my lips and my nose! I hate them and whenever I get them I just want to hide until they are gone. I usually always get more than one.
Do you remember Sis. Masterson? She told me that there is some stuff that you can get had the health food store that if you take it right when you first start feeling the little tingling, it will stop it from growing and it will go away quickly. She said she used to get them all the time and rarely gets them anymore after using it, but if one does come up she uses it right away. I can't remember the name of it. I need to have her write it down. She pulled me aside at church one day when I had several and told me about it--that's how bad mine were.
I am so paranoid when I get them. I don't let my kids touch my face, drink or eat after me or anything for fear I will pass them on to them.
Good luck, I do feel for you!

Coty said...

brooke, almost time to wax...we all know that's your lip...lol just kidding. those things are the pitts. I always heard they came on as a result of stress...who knows? I bet there are a million reasons and excuses for mouth herpes and i'm sure everyone has their own :) am i tacky or what? lol

love ya,

mom2boys said...

I agree with Coty. What's your excuse Brooke? haha

This Idaho Girl said...

I'm glad to see you shaved your upper lip. There is a mineral/vitamin called lysine that's supposed to help when you feel one coming on. They won't get rid of what you already have but will prevent future ones. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I'm so sorry for you!! They look so painful. I've never personally had to deal w/ 'em but I hear they are no fun!